Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Pardon me while I decide on a new background!
I like to change my blog background, but when you can't the get one you like to work, what is one to do. Please bare with me while I figure it out.

Thursday, March 25, 2010
Warrenton/Round Top Antiques fair!!!!!
Whoo Hoo!! Can't wait for this weekend. It's Warrenton/Round Top Antiques Fair/market. What a great place to get away with family for a day of shopping till we drop at all the Antiques/Junk that us girls just love. Can we go now.......just gotta get there and dig for stuff....:)
(Oh and I'm saying now Friday March 26 is my Birthday! And I'm not telling my age.)

Monday, March 22, 2010
Prayer for someone I don't know and Heart to Heart with Holley
I thought I would post about this blog I discovered from Day Spring devotions! The email read "How can we walk through life's rain with you? Now that really caught my eye, seeing, I'm going through some rough patches in my life right now. I had previously read an email from a (BJM person) Between Job Ministry who is having alot of trouble in her life, She wrote that there was no apparent hope left. Well I know for a fact that we all go through trials. Well all I know that I could do for this person was to send an email to Day Spring devotions and pray for her. I did let her know that I did this. I just felt I needed to post about this today. I also added Holley's blog on my blog list. Also needed to say Thanks to Linda Stubbs from Prairie flower farm, I get such spiritual energy from her blog! Thanks also to Sue from Country Pleasures for your comments.
My prayer for Elizabeth Hunt (whom I don't know) is Thank you Father, for using trails to refine us until we shine with the glory of Your Son. The trails of life act on us like wind, waves, and sand act on beach glass. Trails wear off our sharpness and dull our glittering pride. Our trails and crosses point us to Christ and His cross. Embrace us in the warmth of Your protective love, O Savior, and let us meet the challenges of each day with confidence in Your presence and protection. Amen!
My prayer for Elizabeth Hunt (whom I don't know) is Thank you Father, for using trails to refine us until we shine with the glory of Your Son. The trails of life act on us like wind, waves, and sand act on beach glass. Trails wear off our sharpness and dull our glittering pride. Our trails and crosses point us to Christ and His cross. Embrace us in the warmth of Your protective love, O Savior, and let us meet the challenges of each day with confidence in Your presence and protection. Amen!

Sunday, March 21, 2010
DIY Dish (WIN a Sewing or Embroidery Machine!)
I'm so glad I stumbled onto this website a while back. I hope I win one of the sewing machines, I could really use a new one. Go to their blog and watch their first video on the (felt)cake pin cushion. I also have their button on my sidebar.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Blog Frog
Just to let all of you know, I've joined the Blog Frog community. Let me know if you've joined, or you are planning to. Hope you all are have a wonderful Pre-Spring day!

Thursday, March 11, 2010
YippEE!! Spring is a comin!
I'm feeling Spring-eeee!!!!
Ok I know this has nothing to do with my Spring post, but I keep forgetting to post about this. My wonderful mom gave me these glasses. I had told her about this cute little flower cart that I've had for years. I got the bright idea that this cart could use some of those vintage glasses in it. I wonder if that is what the little cart was for? Any one out there have a clue about that. Please let me know. The glasses with the geraniums on them go so well with the flower cart. Way to go Mom! you rock!
Can't remember what this is, but it blooms a red lily.
Plum tree is loaded with blooms also.
My Hollyhock is coming along nicely.
This spirea bush is loaded with tiny beautiful blooms.
Monday, March 8, 2010
March is National craft month!
Well March is National craft month. The button at my side bar will take you to a sewing business website. I would love it if some of you would let me know what crafts you are currently or plannning to work on. I would love to post about it. I need to get busy again with projects myself.
This picture is of the cat I've been feeding. Not sure where she came from, she just appeared. She stays in our building out back. She has become really friendly, but she doesn't like to be held, or picked up. She will let me pet her. I call her Katie.
Have a fabulous day!
This picture is of the cat I've been feeding. Not sure where she came from, she just appeared. She stays in our building out back. She has become really friendly, but she doesn't like to be held, or picked up. She will let me pet her. I call her Katie.
Have a fabulous day!

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