I have been busy as a beaver trying to finish my tote bag for my tote bag swap I signed up for on Snickerdoodle dreams. My deadlilne is fast approaching and I have to get it mailed before May 1st. I only have a few things to do to it. I won't post a picture of it until it has arrived to Jeannette in Australia. Can't wait to see what I get in return. Getting back to sewing reminds me that I have so many projects lined up to do. I have seen so much new pretty fabic out there lately.
Do any of you out there know anything about roses? I purchased a rose bush quite some time ago, planted it, it only bloomed very little at first, then when it did it bloomed pink roses, now this year it has bloomed like crazy and the blooms are dark dark burgandy. How crazy is that! Any way let me know if any of you out there has the answer. Here is a picture of it.
Also had this for supper the other night, was it ever yummy!
Taco Salad!
Last but not least, my Iris's are blooming.
Hope you have a blessed week. :)