I believe this is my favorite time of year! I had one of those weeks where I couldn't get a thing accomplished! The job searching is becoming such a thorn in my side. I"m looking forward to this weekend, it's Round Top/Warrenton time, for those who don't know it's a huge Antique/Junk/craft thing thats held in Round Top/Warrenton Texas. This is only the beginning to all the fall bazzars, craft shows and what ever else...It's just simply the best time of year.
Also just need to say that I did have 8 followers, not sure why one dropped,but it kinda made me sad to know that somone doesn't want to follow me. Oh well life goes on. Thanks to those who are still on my follower list. This is what I've been up to this week besides job searching.
Shopped at moms again,but it's really hard to see the Rooster basket, and the Rooster recipe holder. But the linen's are fabulous! Thanks a-bunch mom, Love ya!
Well I've finished the stitching portion of this little pattern that my sweet sister drew. Many blessings to her, she and my nephew had a car accident this week, I wish them all my prayers and blessings that they continue to recover! But as for this little stitchery thing ,I'm not quite sure what it's going to be. Maybe a small wall hanging. What do you think? Let me know.

I have these great fall buttons. Got them last year at the Quilt show, but I'm not sure yet what I'm going to do with them. I tried making it my header but it's really big. If anyone has any idea's please let me know.

Fall has finally arrived, it's been cool here and raining, so yesterday I fixed stew and cornbread! It was good sorry you missed it! Today I checked the thermometer earlier today and it said 70, I can hardly believe it!

Finally caught the deer that been eating all my knockout roses, hibiscus. But if they mow down those canna lilies, I wouldn't care! Both of these are bucks, it's hard to tell.