Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hello and I hope everyone is doing great. Sorry I haven't been able to post in while, but I've been a little busy. I am working on a secret project that I'm hoping to publish.

But I also want to send up special prayers for those in Haiti:

We Thank you father for the blessings you have poured out on our land, please help those in Haiti recover from this horrible ordeal. Strengthen those who are going over to help and give them spiritual guidance when they see all the pain and suffering in that country. We ask this in Jesus name Amen!

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  1. I joined with you in your prayer. It is so sad. My heart breaks for those people. I am praying also. We are a blessed country for sure.

    Hugs friend, Linda
    Prairie Flower

  2. Add me to your prayer chain, and I can't wait to hear about your news, getting publish other than online is a dream of mine!
