These coasters are good for a glass that has a round bottom. The coaster opens up so that you can sit the bottom of the glass in the coaster. Not sure if that makes sense.
And last but not least my crocheted throw that I made a long time ago. I seen where Anne from Bunny Hill is crocheting a stripped throw. Here is my version. Yellow's, Brown's, Green's, Blue's, Red's, Purple's. My throw of many colors.......finished off with a ruffle edge.
And something I read on Cottage Farm true..........take the time to see all the beauty that surrounds you each day..!!!! So true!!! I'm reminded of this when I go to visit my Father in-law at the Alzheimer's home. So many elderly folks there who where once vibrant hard working citizens. Now they sit/lay trapped so to speak. It really makes me think about things more.......I enjoy all the little things in life........Have a blessed day!